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Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission

  1. Project Identifier Information

    1. Project Title: Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund Commission
    2. Project Number: H21MC06752
    3. Email address: kevincent@dhr.state.ga.us

  2. Budget

    1. MCHB Grant Award Amount: (Line 1, Form 1)$100,000
    2. Unobligated Balance: (Line 2, Form 1)$0
    3. Matching Funds: (if applicable) (Line 3, Form 1)$63,490
    4. Other Project Funds: (Line 4, Form 1)$0
    5. Total Project Funds: (Line 5, Form 1)$163,490

    The MCHB Grant Award Amount may differ from the total budget amount displayed on the Snapshots page due to grant actions that occurred after this report was submitted. These grant actions would include supplemental funding such as carryovers and extensions.

  3. Type(s) of Service Provided

    • Infrastructure Building Service

  4. Project Description on Experience to Date

    1. Project Description

      1. Problem:

        There is minimal awareness and coordination of services for people with TBI among state agencies as a result of lack of accurate data on incidence and prevalence of TBI in Georgia. The Commission proposes to enhance the state's public policy program and expand the state's TBI registry.

      2. Goals and Objectives: List up to 5 major goals and time-framed objectives per goal for the project.

        Goal 1: Expand Central Registry for Traumatic Brain and Spinal Injuries
        Objective 1: Hire Director of Outreach & Advocacy - 8/1/06
        Objective 2: Develop contract with Division of Public Health, Injury Prevention Section, to analyze and interpret data - 09/30/06
        Objective 3: Implement plan for identifying people who were not treated and/or registered by a hospital facility - 06/30/07
        Goal 2: Ensure individuals with TBI and their families have improved access to resources.
        Objective 1: Continue to send letter and resource materials to all people identified by hospitals. Send letter and resource guide to additional people identified by Registry - Quarterly (or when data is received from Georgia Hospital Association)
        Objective 2: Evaluate results of focus groups and determine most effective types and methods of sharing information on available services - 11/31/2006
        Objective 3: Assess needs of additional group identified by Registry and develop or modify appropriate materials; Send survey to all people identified by Registry one year following letter and resource materials - 06/30/07
        Goal 3: Enhance capacity of Traumatic Injury Advisory Board to create systems change.
        Objective 1: Complete update of Needs Assessment - 12/31/06
        Objective 2: Complete update of State Action Plan - 06/30/07
        Objective 3: Implement State Action Plan. Evaluate progress of State Action Plan implementation - 11/01/07
        Goal 4: Incorporate data, Needs Assessment, and State Action Plan into Public Policy. 6/30/2007
        Objective 1: Analyze Registry data, identify trends, and make recommendations for public policy development. 12/31/2006
        Objective 2: Develop annual report to share data and trends with legislators, state agencies, providers, community leaders, and individuals with TBI and their families. 12/31/2006
        Objective 3: Analyze results of Needs Assessment,identify relevant issues, and make recommendations for public policy development. Develop report to share results of Needs Assessment and State Action Plan with legislators, state agencies, providers, community leaders, and individuals with TBI and their families.
      3. Activities/Methodology undertaken to meet project goals:

        Goal 1: The Commission will hire a Director of Outreach & Advocacy (Director) and develop a contract with the Injury Prevention Section to analyze the Registry data. The Director with meet with appropriate agencies and individuals to expand the Registry according to the Commission's Registry Implementation Plan. Goal 2: The Director will utilize feedback received from people with TBI and their families to determine the most effective ways to share resource information with people with TBI, and will ensure that people identified by the Registry receive a letter and resource materials. The Director will also send a survey to each person with TBI one year after the initial Registry letter and resource materials to determine their success in accessing services. Goal 3: The Director will work with the Advisory Board to update the state's Needs Assessment, which will be used to develop the State Action Plan to enhance services for people with TBI. The Director will then collaborate with the Advisory Board to implement the State Action Plan goals/objectives, monitor progress of the Plan's implementation, and revise the Plan as necessary. Goal 4: The Director and Advisory Board will analyze the Registry data and publish its findings in the Commission's annual report. The Director and Advisory Board will also publish a report on the results of the Needs Assessment and goals of the Plan to ensure this information is also used for public policy development.

      4. The first three Healthy People 2010 objectives which this project addresses are listed below.

      5. Coordination: List the State, local health agencies or other organizations involved project and their roles.

        To develop the project the Commission will collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control, the state departments of Community Health, Education, Human Resources, and Labor; also the Brain Injury Resource Foundation, Georgia Advocacy Office, Georgia Hospital Association, and Statewide Independent Living Council. These agencies will serve on the Advisory Board and assist with the expansion of the Central Registry and the enhancement of the Advisory Board's role in systems change.

      6. Evaluation : briefly describe the methods which will be used to determine whether process and outcome objectives are met.

        The Commission will use the Registry data to measure the effectiveness of TBI data collection and will maintain records of policy initiatives that utilize Registry data. The Commission will maintain records of the individuals who receive materials from the Commision will survey those individuals to determine their success in accessing services. The Commission will report on the Needs Assessment and State Action Plan and provide progress reports to monitor the success of systems change.

    2. Continuing Grants ONLY

      1. Experience to Date :

      2. Website URL and annual number of hits:


        Number of hits:

  5. Key Words

    • Access to care
    • Advocacy
    • Collaboration
    • Data analysis
    • Data collection
    • Policy development
    • Public awareness materials
    • Traumatic brain injuries

  6. Annotation:

    The Commission, as lead agency for the TBI Registry, will request data from non-hospital healthcare providers which will be used to strengthen service delivery and drive public policy. Needs include staff to lead the initiative, new partner relationships, improved communication with the TBI population, better TBI data, and increased awareness of TBI amongst policy makers. Goals: hire Director of Public Policy, improve data collection, introduce new communications with recipients of TBI funding and policy makers. Relationships with non-hospital healthcare providers will yield more TBI data, resulting in better TBI resource information. The data will lead to improved advocacy and resources needed by the TBI population.

Are the Data Reported on this Form Provisional or Final?


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